Table 1.
Tailoring CBITS Core Components for Diverse Communities
Treatment Components | CBITS Implementation Examples |
Psychoeducation | • Expression of distress Use terminologies that are relevant. For example, with certain Latino groups may refer to “nervios” or “mal ojo” |
Cognitive Coping | • A child keeping a Yugioh “power card” in his pocket to remind him to use his “hot seat” (coping) thoughts • Describing the link between thoughts and feelings and how to use cognitive restructuring using the example of Shaquille O’Neill entering a basketball game or Raven from “That’s So Raven” making assumptions about what will happen in the future • Showing a Spongebob comic strip where he catastrophizes a situation as dangerous that really is not. |
Relaxation | • Burning “sweet grass” during relaxation exercises with particular Native American groups |
Social Problem-Solving | • Blending in aspects of spiritual coping (i.e., prayer, meditation, talking to a religious leader, seeking forgiveness, rituals) as potential actions to take in faith-based schools and with diverse groups of students where this is an important part of their culture/context. • Incorporating the language the students use during brainstorming activity (i.e, “Call her out”, “ Get in his face”) |
Trauma Narrative | • Writing a song or rap about the traumatic event • Creating a poem or graphic novel to help process part of their trauma narrative in a way that feels both developmentally and culturally-sensitive. |