Tendon cells were treated with IL-1β, which resulted in high levels of COX-1 expression; however, the addition of PRP (A) or HGF (B) together with IL-1β to the cell culture markedly reduced the level of COX-1 expression. Also, PRP or HGF alone did not alter COX-1 expression. Note that *P<0.05 is with respect to IL-1β treatment (I); and #P<0.05 is with respect to the PRP+IL-1β (P+I) group in A and the HGF+IL-1β (H+I) group in B. The data are expressed as mean ± SD, n = 4. SF: serum free medium; I: IL-1β; P+I: PRP+IL-1β; P+AB+I: PRP+HGF antibody+IL-1β; P: PRP; P+AB: PRP+HGF antibody; H+I: HGF+ IL-1β; H+AB+I: HGF+HGF antibody+IL-1β, H: HGF; and H+AB: HGF+HGF antibody. Concentrations of the reagents used were: IL-1β, 1 ng/ml; PRP, 10% (v/v); HGF, 1 ng/ml; HGF antibody, 10 ng/ml. For SD values that are barely visible, the variation in gene expression values was less than 5 (control group, SF is 1).