Fig. 2.
Ptr-miR397a targets 29 PtrLACs for cleavage and overexpression in P. trichocarpa. (A) Experimentally validated targets of ptr-miR397a. The cleavage sites were determined by the modified 5′ RNA ligase-mediated RACE. PtrLAC sequence of each complementary site from 5′ to 3′ and ptr-miR397a sequence from 3′ to 5′ are shown. Watson–Crick pairing (vertical dashes) and G:T wobble pairing (circles) are indicated. Vertical arrows indicate the 5′ termini of miRNA-guided cleavage products, as identified by 5′ RACE, with the frequency of clones shown. (B) The 2XCaMV35Sp::MIR397a plasmid used for overexpression of Ptr-MIR397a in P. trichocarpa. (C) Ptr-MIR397a expression in the three WT plants (W1–W3) and nine transgenic lines.