Fig. 3.
Phase diagrams from experiments for (A) and
(B) metronome(s) per swing and from numerical simulations with
metronomes (C) with metronome frequency f vs. effective spring coupling
. IP (red) and AP (blue) synchronization modes surround the chimera parameter region C (green) and the bistable AP/C region with chimeras and AP synchronization. Symbols represent data points (color shadings are guides only). Region C, centered around the resonance curve of the swings’ AP mode (yellow dashed line) defined by
, exhibits chimeras and other partially synchronized states. The bistable region AP/C exhibits chimera-like and synchronized AP states; DD represents a region where neither population synchronizes fully. For
, we find a similar region of unlocked motion, where the metronomes never synchronize. The phase diagram from numerical simulations for identical metronomes exhibits the same qualitative structure as the experiment, except that the width of region C is smaller (SI Text). Parameter space in experiments and simulations was sampled with varying spring coupling κ for metronome frequencies f = 138, f = 160, f = 184, and f = 208 bpm.