Movement of NKIN2 in germlings, lateral branches, and leading hyphae of N. crassa. (A) GFP-NKIN2 localizes in germlings to small, fast anterograde (arrows)- and retrograde (arrowheads)-moving spots, which sometimes accumulate at the hyphal tip. A kymograph (bottom panel) shows the movement of one mChFP-NKIN2 spot toward the tip of a branch. (B) Leading hyphae show an increased number of spots that moved faster. The movement is so fast that single spots sometimes appear as short rods. Accumulations at the apex were never observed. (C) Colocalization of GFP-NKIN2 and FM4-64 in a leading hypha confirms that NKIN2 is associated with endosomes (arrowheads). Scale bars, 5 μm.