Colocalization of GFP-YPT52-labeled early endosomes and mChFP-NKIN2rigor. (A) In an arthrospore, several microtubules are decorated with mChFP-NKIN2rigor. GFP-YPT52 vesicles do not show any movement. (B) Similar observation in an apical branch of leading hyphae, where NKIN2rigor shows a preference for certain microtubules close to the cell wall. (C) An apical region of leading hyphae also displays no motile GFP-YPT52-labeled early endosomes but does show decoration of the same microtubule subpopulation, which is colabeled by mChFP-NKIN2rigor. (D) In lateral branches, where mChFP-NKIN2rigor prefers a certain microtubule bundle, GFP-YPT52 also sticks to the rigor-mutated kinesin. Scale bars, 5 μm in panel A and 10 μm in panels B to D.