Fig 7.
Sequences related to hypothetical protein BOGUAY 00024_0693 (arrow). The IMG/ER database was searched with the nucleic acid and inferred amino acid sequences of ORF 00024_0693 (BLASTX, cutoff score of 55 bits, E value of 9e−06; BLASTP, 56 bits, E value of 3e−06). Only BOGUAY 01192_0187 (star) has been annotated in IMG/ER with a possible function, containing a possible type I restriction enzyme R protein N-terminal domain (pfam04313). An ORF from Cyanothece sp. PCC 7822 (circle) has been assigned to a plasmid rather than a chromosome. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted as described for Fig. 6. The analysis involved 121 amino acid sequences. All ambiguous positions were removed for each sequence pair. There were a total of 328 positions in the final data set. The scale bar represents amino acid changes per position. RAxML and Bayesian analyses gave similar groupings (not shown).