Figure 5.
Anti–CTLA-4/1MT treatment increases the ratio of effector T cells to T reg cells in tumor and elicits a tumor-specific T cell response. B16F10 tumors from untreated, anti–CTLA-4–treated, and anti–CTLA-4/1MT–treated C57BL/6 mice were harvested 15 d after tumor challenge and analyzed by flow cytometry for their content of effector T cells and T reg cells. (A) Tumor weights. (B) Percentage of CD8+, CD4+Foxp3−, and CD4+Foxp3+ T cells of total CD45+ cells. (C) Immune infiltrate analysis expressed as a percentage of total CD45+ cells. (D) Percentage of CD11b+Gr-1+ MDSCs of total CD45+ cells and representative dot plots. (E) Ratio of CD4+Foxp3− to CD4+Foxp3+ cells and CD8+ to CD4+Foxp3+ cells. (F) Absolute numbers of CD8+ T cells per gram of tumor. (G) Frequency of CD8+GrB+ T cells of total CD45+ cells. TILs were restimulated for 4 h with PMA/Ionomycin (H) or overnight with DCs loaded with B16F10 tumor lysate or DCs with MC38 lysate as a nonmelanoma control tumor (I), and production of IFN-γ was determined by flow cytometry. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA (A, B, E, and F; *, P < 0.05; **, P< 0.01; NS, P = 0.06, P = 0.1) and Student’s t test (H; *, P < 0.05). Data represents one of three experiments with five independently analyzed mice/group.