Figure 2. Mean ln COMP by hypermobility status in the Non-OA subgroups of the GOGO cohort.
Analysis of participants without OA of the following specific joint groups: a) hand OA based on ACR criteria (n=167); b) rOA of DIP joints (n=77); c) rOA of PIP joints (n=135); d) rOA of CMC1 joints (n=333); e) rOA of knees (n=374); or f) rOA of hips (n=399). P value (adjusted for age) calculated by two-sample t test with equal variance. Box plots depict mean, 25th and 75th percentiles, and minimum and maximum. Hypermobility status defined by Beighton score: <4 (Non-hypermobilty) and ≥4 (Hypermobility). DIP = distal interphalangeal; PIP = proximal interphalangeal; CMC1 = first carpometacarpal; KL grade = Kellgren-Lawrence grade radiographic OA (rOA); COMP = cartilage oligomeric matrix protein