Abstract 10 pts |
Content |
States experimental question (objective), the methods, and the results within the word limit |
States in general terms the topic and results without methods |
Discusses the experiment in general terms but lacks defined objective, methods, and or result |
abstract missing |
Form |
Accurate sentence structure and punctuation |
Minimal grammatical errors <5 |
Several (5+) grammatical errors |
missing |
Introduction 25 pts |
Content |
Complete introduction to topic and use of the required 3 primary literature references |
Lacking one major topic required and only 2 primary literature sources |
Missing 2 topics explaining your experiment and only 1 primary literature source |
missing more than 3 req'd topics and no primary literature sources |
Form |
Well written, <5 grammatical structure errors all in text citations; formatted correctly |
<5 Grammatical errors in text citation errors |
>5 Grammatical errors, in text citation errors or missing citations |
poorly written, numerous grammatical errors, missing citations |
Materials & Methods 10 pts |
Content |
Each method described and listed with appropriate subheading List of materials included |
Missing one technique /method or list of materials appropriate section headings used |
Missing both a technique/method and the materials list |
missing numerous methods and list of materials |
Results & Discussion 40 pts |
Content |
1. Contains all required graphs, images, or data tables |
1. Missing one graph or data table |
1. Lack of discussion of more than 1 data set within text |
results are merely pages of data graphs/figures attached and not discussed |
2. Each figure/graph/table accurately relays the result |
2. One graph/table or figure is not compiled in a manner that reflects the conclusion being drawn |
2. Missing more than 1 table/graph/ figure |
3. Every figure/graph or table is described and discussed in the text body grammatically sound |
3. Missing discussion of 1 data set in text body few (<5) grammatical errors |
3. No direct discussion about specific figures, all the discussion is in general terms not “walking” reader through the experiment Few (<5) grammatical errors |
Form |
All graphs/tables/figure and text boxes are placed in text with wrapping and located near point of discussion |
Some text wrapping and inclusion of figures etc within text body |
No attempt to incorporate figure etc into text body Ie, all attached as separate pages at end of text |
narrative discussion missing |
Conclusion 10 pts |
Content |
Concise description of what was examined, the result, and at least one idea about future work in this area |
Concise overall summary of the work presented but lacking in development of “future” work idea |
Summary lacking at least one major outcome of the experiment and no foresight or creative idea of a future experiment |
poorly written, no summary of major findings, lack of “next step” |
Form |
Concise/well written; no grammatical errors |
<5 Grammatical errors |
>5 Grammatical errors |
no conclusion comments |
References 5 pts |
Content |
All in text citations listed |
Missing one in text source |
Missing more than one source from text body |
no reference section |
Form |
All citations follow CSE/CBE guidelines |
One format error in citations |
More than one format error |
no reference section |