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. 2013 Jun;103(6):e61–e68. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301326


Sequence, Lethality, Method, and Method Switching in Repeat Self-Harm Episodes, by Method of Index Episode: New Jersey, 2003–2007

Index Self-Harm Method: Drug Overdose
Index Self-Harm Method: Cutting
Index Self-Harm Method: Other
Index Self-Harm Method: Total
Variable Nonfatal, No. or % Suicide, No. or % CFR, % Nonfatal, No. Suicide, No. or % CFR, % Nonfatal, No. or % Suicide, No. or % CFR, % Nonfatal, No. or % Suicide, No. or % CFR, %
Self-harm episode
 Index 2751 NA NA 478 NA NA 371 NA NA 3600 NA NA
 Second 352 25 6.6 85 6 6.6 49 7 12.5 486 38 7.3
 Third 89 4 4.3 25 0 0.0 14 2 12.5 128 6 4.5
 Fourth 31 2 6.1 12 1 7.7 4 0 0.0 47 3 6.0
 Subsequent 58 1 1.7 6 0 0.0 3 0 0.0 67 1 1.5
Subsequent episode
 Drug overdose 429 5 1.2 58 1 1.7 28 1 3.4 515 7 1.3
 Cutting 55 1 1.8 57 1 1.7 16 0 0.0 128 2 1.5
 Othera 46 26 36.1 13 5 27.8 26 8 23.5 85 39 31.5
Proportion who ever used methods other than cutting or overdose after the index method 11.1 81.3 NA 15.3 71.4 NA 44.9 88.9 NA 15.2 81.3 NA
Proportion who ever switched method category 21.6 84.4 NA 60.0 85.7 NA 63.3 11.1 NA 32.5 70.8 NA

Note. CFR = case fatality ratio; NA = not applicable. CFR indicates percentage of cases that are fatal (suicide divided by the sum of suicide plus nonfatal episodes).


All methods except cutting and overdoses, such as poisoning by gases or chemicals, hanging, suffocation, drowning, firearm.