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. 2013 Jun;103(6):1103–1109. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301223


Demographics of Gunshot Wound Patients, by Distance From a Trauma Center: Chicago, IL, 1999–2009

Variable Distance ≤ 5 Miles Distance > 5 Miles P
Total, no. 6786 3543
Unadjusted mortality 0.070 0.087 .002a
Race/ethnicity, no. .001b
 White, non-Hispanic 343 86
 Black, non-Hispanic 4048 3013
 Hispanic 1959 279
 Other or unknown 433 165
Gender, no. (%) .288b
 Female 589 (9) 286 (8)
 Male 6192 (91) 3257 (92)
Age, y, no. (%) .029b
 Birth–19 2142 (32) 1027 (29)
 20–39 3993 (59) 2182 (62)
 40–59 575 (8) 289 (8)
 ≥ 60 73 (1) 45 (1)
Insurance coverage, no. (%) .001b
 Insured 3541 (53) 1515 (43)
 Not insured 3145 (47) 1977 (57)
Abbreviated Injury Scale,c no. (%) .001b
 Head 486 (13) 185 (11)
 Neck 79 (2) 42 (2)
 Chest 621 (16) 289 (16)
 Abdomen 290 (8) 222 (13)
 Other 2816 (62) 1257 (58)
Intent, no. (%) .001b
 Unintentional 515 (8) 124 (3)
 Suicide 62 (1) 42 (1)
 Assault 6006 (89) 3316 (94)
 Undetermined 159 (2) 28 (1)
 Legal Intervention 41 (1) 33 (1)
SBP, mm Hg, mean
 Overall 130.7 131.1 .494a
 Among patients who died 83.5 79.8 .449
ISS,d mean
 Overall 9.3 10.4 .001a
 Among patients who died 22.7 21.6 .335

Note. ISS = injury severity score; SBP = systolic blood pressure. The totals may not add to 100% because of a small amount of missing data.


P value determined by the t-test.


P value determined by the χ2 test.


Based on data from 1999 to 2003; no data from 2004 to 2009 were available.


An ISS > 16 is associated with higher likelihood of mortality.