Figure 1.
H5 hemagglutinin (HA) DNA priming significantly expands the antibody epitope repertoire in HA1 generated following receipt of an A/Indonesia/5/2005(H5N1) monovalent inactivated vaccine (MIV) boost. A, Schematic alignment of the peptides recognized by sera obtained after H5 DNA priming and H5N1 MIV boosting, as identified by panning of H5 genome-fragment phage-display libraries with A/Indonesia/5/2005(H5N1). The amino acid designation is based on the A/Indonesia/5/2005(H5N1) HA protein sequence (Supplementary Figure 1). Bars indicate identified inserts in HA1 (red bars) and HA2 (blue bars). Phage displaying peptides from sequences in the receptor-binding domain are depicted with green bars within HA1 segment. The thickness of each bar represent the frequencies of repetitively isolated phage inserts (only clones with a frequency of ≥2 are shown). B, Distribution of phage clones in different HA domains after affinity selection with sera obtained from adults after MIV-prime, MIV-MIV boost, DNA-prime, and DNA-MIV boost is shown. Abbreviation: MN, microneutralization.