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. 2013 Jun 5;4:7–20. doi: 10.2147/PROM.S44694

Table 2.

Summary of scale characteristics and psychometric properties

Instrument Relevant subscales, items (n) Patient input Reliability Scale analyses Convergent/discriminant validity Known-group/concurrent validity Sensitive to change
Diabetes measures
Barriers to Adherence Questionnaire56,92 Diet (4), insulin injection (3), exercise (3), glucose testing (5), total (15) X NR NR NR
Barriers to Diabetes Adherence26 Stress/burnout (4), time pressure/planning (5), stigma (6) NR NR
Barriers in Diabetes Questionnaire49 Self-control and advice from providers (9), injecting, monitoring and overall self-regulation (10), self-regulation in specific situations (9), total (28) X NR NR
Blood Glucose Monitoring System Rating Questionnaire58,93 Convenience (NR), interference (NR), blood glucose burden (NR) X NR NR X
Continuous Glucose Monitoring Satisfaction Scale61,62,78 Hassles (20) X NR NR
Diabetes-3967,94 Diabetes control (12) NR
Diabetes Distress Scale28,73,84,95 Emotional burden (5), regimen-related distress (5)
DDS-2, DDS-3, and DDS-427 Totals for scales (2-items, 3-items, and 4-items, respectively) NR NR
Diabetes Family Adherence Measure39 Coercion (7) X NR
Diabetes Family Behavior Checklist40,96 Nonsupportive behaviors (7) X NR
Diabetes Family Conflict Scale-Revised41,86,97100 Direct management (9), indirect management (10), total (19)
Diabetes Family Support and Conflict Scale42 Family conflict (4) NR NR
Diabetes Fear of Injecting and Self-testing Questionnaire30,79,91 Self-injecting fear (15), self-testing fear (15), total (30)a X NR
Diabetes Health Profile37,82,101,102 Barriers to activity (NR)
Diabetes Medication Satisfaction Measure46,81,90,103 Burden (11), symptoms (5)
Diabetes Medication Treatment Satisfaction Tool47 Lifestyle (5), convenience (3), well-being (3) NR NR
Diabetes-specific Quality of Life Scale48,75,80 Diet restrictions (9), daily hassles (6)
Diabetes Responsibility and Conflict Scale43 Conflict (NR) X NR NR NR X NR
Diabetes Self-Care Barriers Assessment for Older Adults60,104 Glucose monitoring barriers (4), diet regimen barriers (4), exercise barriers (4), total (12) NR NR
Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale59,105 Ulcer care (4), financial (2) X
DISABKIDS Diabetes module24,106 Impact/acceptance (6), treatment (4) NR NR
General Barriers to Diabetes Self-Management57,107 Diet (7), exercise (7), glucose testing (7), medication taking (7), general barriers (4), total (31) NR NR NR
Dietary Barriers57,107 At home (7), food purchase (8), away from home (5), total (27) NR NR NR
Glucose Monitoring Survey62 Glucose control (7), social complications (6), total (22) (note, 9 items do not load on either subscale) X NR
Insulin Delivery System Rating Questionnaire50,58,93 Convenience (NR), interference (NR), blood glucose burden (NR)b NR NR
Insulin Pen Questionnaire51 Convenience (7), facilitation of self-care (6), cost (1) NR NR NR
Insulin Treatment Appraisal Scale31 Negative appraisal (16) NR
Insulin Treatment Questionnaire45 Insulin therapy perception (12) X X X
Insulin Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire52,108111 Inconvenience of regimen (5) lifestyle flexibility (3), delivery device satisfaction (6)c X
Measure of Invasiveness as a Reason for Skipping Self-Monitoring of Glucose63 Total (7) X NR NR
Multidimensional Diabetes Questionnaire44 Misguided support behaviors (4) NR NR
Multidimensional Diabetes Self-Management Checklist53 Burden of diet self-management (3), burden of injecting insulin (3), burden of glucose monitoring (3), burden of adjusting insulin dose (3) X NR NR NR
Patient Satisfaction with Insulin Therapy54,74 Convenience/ease (10), social comfort (5), global satisfaction (15) NR
Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory 3.0 Diabetes module25,112,113 Treatment barriers (4), treatment adherence (7) X NR NR
Perceived Burden of Diabetes Treatment18 Single item on perceived burden of treatment X NR NA NR NR
Perceived Difficulties in Diabetes Self-Care22 Individual items assessing difficulties in insulin treatment (2), glucose monitoring (1), diet (3), exercise (1), smoking (1), daily self-care (1), and self-care during certain occasions (4) NR NR NR NR
Perceptions About Medications for Diabetes29 Schedule flexibility (3), portability convenience (2), regimen inconvenience (5), difficulty remembering medications (2), gastrointestinal side effects (3), weight/edema side effects (3), emotional (10) NR NR
Perceptions of Insulin Shots and Fingersticks23 Injection pain (1), injection fear (1), fingerstick pain (1), fingerstick fear (1) X NR NR NR X
Personal Diabetes Questionnaire38 Diet barriers (7), medication barriers (8), monitoring barriers (8), exercise barriers (7) NR NR NR
Practicality/comfort of treatment19 Single item on practicality and comfort of treatment X NR NA NR NR NR
Problem Areas in Diabetes32,77,83,114 Treatment-related (3) and food-related problems (3)
Survey of Treatment Burdens in Diabetes2,21 Individual items assessing burden of: oral agents (1), insulin (4), oral + insulin therapy (1), self-monitoring of blood glucose (3), diet (2), pain (1), and interference with activities (1) X NR NR NR NR
Treatment-Related Impact Measure – Diabetes6 Treatment burden (6), daily life (5), psychological health (8) NR
TRIM-Diabetes Device6 Device function (5), bother (3), total (8) NR
Treatment Satisfaction Measure for People with Insulin-dependent Diabetes64 Perceived compatibility with lifestyle (PCL) (3) NR NR NR
Kidney disease measures
Health Beliefs About Fluid Adherence33 Barriers to fluid adherence (7) X NR NR NR
Hemodialysis Stressor Scale34,35,85,115 Physiological, psychosocial, totald X NR X
Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Stressor Scale35 X NR NR NR NR
Renal Adherence Attitudes Questionnaire65 Attitude towards social restrictions (8), acceptance/lifestyle impact (11) NR NR NR
Satisfaction with Care Questionnaire68 Financial/transportation (7) NR NR NR
Treatment Effects Questionnaire16,36,76 Total (20) X NR NR
Heart failure measures
Beliefs about Medicine Compliance Scale55,116 Medication barriers (6) NR NR NR
Beliefs about Diet Compliance Scale55,116,117 Diet barriers (5) NR X NR
Dietary Sodium Restriction Questionnaire66,118 Perceived behavioral control (7)e NR NR NR
Perceived Difficulty Affording Health Care20,72 Single item on economic burden of medical costs X NR NA NR NR



Mollema et al30 added 4 items to fear of injecting and 4 items to fear of testing subscales;


modified from original scoring50 which scored two subscales, ie, treatment satisfaction (15 items) and treatment interference with activities (11 items);


Bode et al108 used a modified scoring procedure for all subscales;


number of items in the subscales and the overall scale fluctuate across studies. A third subscale (“dependency/restriction”) was identified by Murphy et al;115


original scoring118 recorded only response frequencies of individual items.

Abbreviations: √, satisfactory; X, unsatisfactory or incomplete; NR, not reported; NA, not applicable.