HEKn cells were grown on 4-well chamber slides and treated with zinc (Zn, 2 μM), arsenite (As, 1 μM), both (As+Zn) or left untreated (NT) for 24h. Cells were subsequently exposed to ssUVR (UVR, 3 kJ/m2), fixed at the indicated times and stained for 6,4-PP (A) or CPDs (C). Quantification of relative fluorescence intensity was performed via Image J analysis for 6,4-PP (B) or CPDs (D). Panels and graphs shown are representative of three independent experiments with average fluorescent intensities measured from at least 10 fields per treatment group per experiment. Bar = 10 μm. * = significantly different from time matched untreated, ssUVR exposed controls (NT); ** = significantly different between treatment matched times; # = significantly different from time matched arsenite; p <0.05; n = 3.