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. 2013 Jun 27;105(13):968–977. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djt141

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Magnetic resonance imaging of tumor-tropic migration of oncolytic adenoviral virotherapy (OV)–HB1.F3.CD neural stem cells (NSCs) in vivo. Microparticles of iron oxide (MPIO)–labeled HB1.F3.CD cells loaded with CRAd-S-pk7 (50 IU per cell) were implanted in the left hemisphere of control mice (no tumor) or mice bearing U87 xenografts in the contralateral hemisphere. A) Serial axial T1 weighted images of a mouse brain 3 days after implantation without tumor (top panel) and with tumor (bottom panel). Arrowheads point to the area of hypointense signal extending from the site of NSC injection toward the tumor graft. B) Serial coronal T1 weighted images show an alternative view of oncolytic adenovirus–loaded NSCs without tumor (top panel) or with tumor (bottom panel). C) Prussian blue staining of the corresponding animal brains confirmed the presence of iron MPIOs at the (C1) NSC implantation site, (C2) at the tumor border, and (C3) inside the tumor mass. Scale bars, (size).