In dorsal (A–B), lateral (C–D), and ventral (E–F) views. The cavum acustico-jugulare is rendered opaque in (A, C, and E); to show the location of the columella it is rendered semitransparent in (B, F), and is absent in (D). The images show the cranial endocast in light blue, the inner ear in light violet, the cavum acustico-jugulare in purple, the columella in fuchsia, and internal carotids in pink. Abbreviations: asc, anterior semicircular canal; ca, cerebral artery; caj, cavum acustico-jugulare; ccv, canalis cavernosus; cer, cerebral hemisphere; col, columella auris; col. f, columellar foot; cr, cartilaginous ridge (= cartilaginous rider of [17,19]); cst, canalis stapedio-temporalis; fst, foramen stapedio-temporale; ic, internal carotid; ica, incisura columella auris; lab, endosseous labyrinth; lsc, lateral semicircular canal; med, medulla oblongata; nc, nasal cavity; ob, olfactory bulb; ot, olfactory tract; pa, palatine artery; pit, pituitary fossa; psc, posterior semicircular canal; sa, stapedial artery; V–VIII, cranial nerves. Scale bar equals 10 mm.