FIG. 6.
The combinations of atRA with inhibitors of ERK and p38 signaling are adipogenic and myogenic. Cells were induced with atRA alone or in combination with PD98059 (PD) or SB203580 (SB) from D2 to D5, and analyzed for myogenesis at D7+10 and for adipogenesis at D7+14. Oil-Red-O staining micrographs (100×) of (A) NI cultures and cultures induced with (B) atRA, (C) atRA+PD, and (D) atRA+SB. (E) Percentages of the culture surface occupied by Oil-Red-O-stained cells. (F-I) Photonic and myomarker fluorescence micrographs (100×). (J) Relative fluorescence histograms. All results (means±SEM) are for three independent cell series analyzed at least in triplicate. Significant difference from the atRA reference treatment (#) (P<0.05). Color images available online at