Figure 6. Analysis of the interaction between reinforcing electrical stimulation and DA transients.
Left Panels. Theoretical analysis of DA release according to Montague et al. (2004). Simulated electrically evoked DA response using Equation 2 and A0 = 0.03 μM, Km = 0.02 μM, and Vmax = 1.0 μM/s (A). Time course of variable [DA]p (B). Time course of facilitation (f1) and depression (d1 and d2) terms altering [DA]p (C). See Methods for details. Right Panels. Empirical analysis of DA transients. Transient amplitude (D). Intertransient interval (ITI) (E). Electrical stimulation was applied at 5 s of the 300-s recording epoch for characterizing DA transients; thus, 0-150 s is the stimulation bin and 150-300 s is the no-stimulation bin. Statistical analysis of the median was performed by Wilcoxon’s ranked sum test. n.s., not significant at p < 0.05.