Fig 1.
Comparison of morbidity and influenza virus titers in ferret nasal washes. Ferrets were inoculated intranasally (IN) or by aerosol (AR) inhalation with 102.7 to 107 PFU of virus and were monitored daily for 6 days (n = 4 [SI06, MX09, and BD11], 5 [PN99], and 6 [TH04]). (A) Mean weight loss ± standard deviation (SD) is shown as the percentage of baseline for each virus group. (B) Mean minute volume of respiration ± SD was measured on alternating days in sedated animals by whole-body plethysmography and is shown as the percentage of baseline for each virus group. (C) Mean virus titers ± SD in nasal wash samples collected on alternating days are shown. No TH04-infected ferrets survived past day 4. Circles containing “IN” or “AR” represent the amount of inoculum administered to ferrets by the respective method of inoculation.