Table 1.
Proposed Active Ingredients of Behavioral Therapies, Brain Mechanisms, and fMRI Measures in PG.
Intervention | Active Ingredient | Potential effect on neurocircuitry or brain regions | Relevant fMRI tasks | Example studies |
CBT for PG | Developing skills to cope with gambling cue; altering decision-making when exposed to gambling cues | Strengthening of executive control system through enhanced prefrontal cortical function and altering control over motivation/decision-making driven by immediate/short-term rewards | Cue-exposure tasks Stroop color-word interference task (assessing cognitive control processes) Decision-making or Risk-Taking Tasks Regulation of Craving Tasks |
Potenza et al 2003a; Crockford et al 2005 Potenza et al. 2003b; Proof of concept study in this article Tanabe et al 2007; Rao et al 2010 Kober et al, 2010 |
CBT for PG | Reducing cognitive biases relating to processing of near-misses and decisions to chase losses | Balancing activity of neural systems coding conflicting motivational states (e.g., increasing function of dorsal anterior cingulate, insula and prefrontal cortex relative to reward/motivational systems) | Near miss: Slot machine tasks that deliver occasional monetary wins, near-miss and full-miss no-win outcomes Chasing losses: Loss chasing game involving choice between gamble to recover a loss (risk of doubling loss) or quitting (sustaining a loss) Decision-making Tasks |
Chase & Clark 2010; Habib & Dixon 2010 Campbell-Meiklejohn et al., 2008 Tanabe et al, 2007 |
CBT for PG | Developing financial management skills | Altering processing of immediate versus delayed rewards (involving ventral striatum, insula and vmPFC) and decision-making and risk-taking behaviors | Monetary incentive delay task Delay-discounting or inter-temporal choice tasks Risk-Taking Decision-making |
Balodis et al., 2012
Miedl et al., 2012 Rao et al, 2010 Tanabe et al, 2007 |
Aversive Therapies | Changing Habitual Responses/Behaviors | Altering processing of habit-based circuitry involving lateral orbitofrontal cortical and dorsal striatal regions | Intra-dimensional/Extradimensional Set-Shifting Task | Hampshire and Owen, 2006 |
Imaginal Desensitization/Exposure Therapy | Controlled exposure to gambling-related cues | Strengthening of executive control system and reducing of motivational circuitry through habituation | Stroop color-word interference task (assessing cognitive control processes) | Proof of concept study in this article |
Motivational Interviewing | Client change talk | Dampening of reward/motivational circuitry associated with “triggers” | Change talk and counter change talk presented along with cue-reactivity task | Feldstein Ewing et al. 2011 * |
Gamblers Anonymous | Social reciprocity, peer influences on decision-making | Increasing social decision-making involving orbitofrontal and striatal circuitry | Domino Task, Peer-BART, Decision-making Tasks (e.g., Iowa Gambling Task) | Hyatt et al 2012*; Cavalca et al 2012*; Rao et al 2010; Tanabe et al 2007 |
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Meditation** | Increasing distress tolerance (skills to manage stress and craving) Improving and training attentional focus |
Reducing stress responsivity in circuits involving amygdala, hippocampus, striatum, insula and cingulate and frontal cortical regions Optimizing function of the default mode network system |
Stress-exposure/craving tasks Meditation tasks: practice Concentration, Loving-Kindness meditation in scanner |
Sinha et al 2005*; Potenza et al., 2012* Brewer et al 2010*; Brewer et al., 2011* |
Contingency Management** | Achieving long-term abstinence through receipt of short-term rewards | Altering processing of immediate versus delayed rewards (involving ventral striatal, insula and vmPFC), possibly through strengthening executive control system (e.g., enhanced prefrontal cortical functioning) | Monetary incentive delay task Delay-discounting or inter-temporal choice tasks |
Balodis et al., 2012
Miedl et al., 2012 |
Notes: CBT=Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; PG=Pathological Gambling; vmPFC=ventromedial prefrontal cortex
Study did not examine pathological gambling, but provides an example of a relevant fMRI or cognitive task to examine the proposed active ingredient of this intervention
No published study to date has systematically examined the effect of this treatment for PG