Figure 2.
Cue-elicited and target-elicited ERPs over the posterior scalp in Experiment 1. A, ERPs elicited by the noise-burst cue, collapsed over occipital scalp sites ipsilateral and contralateral to the side of stimulation. Shaded area shows interval (260–360 ms) where ACOP was quantified as the contralateral minus ipsilateral difference amplitude. B, Voltage topography and (C) estimated cortical source of the ACOP, quantified as the contralateral minus ipsilateral difference amplitude in the 260–360 ms interval. D, Scatter plots between the perceptual bias and lateralized ERP components to cue (ACOP) and target (P1). The perceptual bias (ordinate) was measured as the difference between the probability of choosing the cued Gabor or the uncued Gabor as being higher in contrast. E, Visual-target ERPs elicited at occipital sites on trials where one of the target Gabor patches was of maximal contrast (78%) and the standard contrast in the opposite field was 22%. The ERPs on the side contralateral to the 78% patch showed larger and shorter-latency P1 and N1 components than the ERPs on the ipsilateral side. F, Voltage topography and (G) estimated cortical source of the visual-evoked P1 component shown in D. P1 was quantified as the contralateral minus ipsilateral mean difference amplitude in the 110–130 ms interval.