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. 2013 Jul 3;8(7):e67997. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067997

Table 3. Notation of parameters, variables and indices.

Name Description
P carcass detection probability: probability that an animal that has been killed by a rotor blade is found by a searcher
A proportion of carcasses lying in the search area: dependent on the spatial distribution of the carcasses and the search area
S daily carcass persistence probability: probability that a carcass remains in the area for 24 hours
F searcher efficiency: probability that a carcass lying in the search area is found by the searcher during one search
I turbine
T day
R simulation
cit number of carcasses found at turbine i at day t, “count”
Nit number of collisions per day, collision rate
Ni. total number of collisions at turbine i
Ait acoustic activity measures, total number of bat calls during night t at turbine i
Wit median over night t at turbine i of the mean wind speed during 10 min intervals
zAit, zWit standardized (to a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one) acoustic activity and wind speed variables