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. 2013 Apr 3;5(6):1839–1843. doi: 10.3892/ol.2013.1282

Table I.

Clinical data from 24 cases of renal plasmacytoma.

Authors, year (Ref.) Age (years)/gender Tumor location SPE/IE Bence-Jones protein Previously diagnosed PCN Type of EMP Clinical manifestations Treatment Outcome
Knudsen O, 1937 (5) 46/F NA NA NA None P Palpable mass Radical nephrectomy NA
Farrow GM et al, 1968 (6) 53/M L NA NA NA P NA Radical nephrectomy, radiotherapy Succumbed after 16 years
Solomito VL et al, 1972 (7) 64/M L NA NA Nasopharynx S Palpable mass, fatigue Radical nephrectomy, ileocolectomy Alive after 4.5 years
Catalona WJ et al, 1974 (8) 52/F R β ↑ + Temporal lobe S Palpable mass Biopsy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy NA
Siemers PT et al, 1977 (9) 56/M L Normal NA None P Anorexia, fatigue, palpable mass Radical nephrectomy, radiotherapy, hemodialysis Alive after 3 months
Morris SA et al, 1977 (10) 50/M L IgM ↑ + Skull, scapula S Gross hematuria Radical nephrectomy, radiotherapy NA
Silver TM et al, 1977 (11) 40/M L Normal - None P Gross hematuria, flank pain Radical nephrectomy NA
Kandel LB et al, 1984 (12) 55/M R γ ↑ + None p Burning feeling, Radical nephrectomy, radiotherapy NA
Jaspan T et al, 1984 (13) 75/F L IgG ↑ + None P Back pain Biopsy Succumbed after biopsy
Kanoh T et al, 1987 (14) 50/M R IgA ↑ NA MM S Microscopic hematuria, abdominal fullness Chemotherapy, radiotherapy Succumbed after 2 years
Igel TC et al, 1991 (15) 64/M L IgM ↑ NA None P Burning feeling, weight loss Radical nephrectomy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy NA
Kanoh T et al, 1992 (16) 76/F NA NA NA None P NA Radical nephrectomy Succumbed after 3 months
Kanoh T et al, 1993 (17) 43/M R NA + Spinal bones S Paraplegia Radiotherapy NA
Rebelakos AG et al, 1995 (18) 52/F R NA NA T9 vertebra S Gross hematuria, back pain, palpable mass Radical nephrectomy Alive after 6 months
Shustik C et al, 1995 (19) 31/M NA IgG ↑ NA None P Asymptomatic Radical nephrectomy Alive after 33 months
Manseck A et al, 1997 (20) 64/NA NA NA - None P NA Radical nephrectomy NA
Tejido Sanchez A et al, 2001 (21) 59/NA R NA NA None P NA Chemotherapy Succumbed after 1 year
Kim SH et al, 2003 (22) 44/F R NA NA MM S Palpable mass Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy Alive after 3 months
Fan F et al, 2005 (23) 61/F R NA NA None P Back pain Partial nephrectomy, chemotherapy Alive after 2.5 year
Park SY et al, 2007 (24) 39/M L Normal NA None P NA Radical nephrectomy Succumbed after 34 months
Yazici S et al, 2009 (25) 67/F L α2 ↑, γ ↑ NA None P Asymptomatic Radical nephrectomy Alive after 6 months
Mongha R et al, 2010 (26) 58/M R Normal - None P Lumbar pain Radical nephrectomy, radiotherapy Alive after 1 year
Yang GF et al, 2010 (27) 76/F L NA NA None P Back pain Radical nephrectomy NA
Zhong Y et al, 2010 (28) 41/M L NA - None P Epigastric discomfort Radical nephrectomy NA
Present case 46/F L γ ↑, α1 ↑ + None P NA Radical nephrectomy Alive after 6 months

F, female; M, male; L, left kidney; R, right kidney; NA, not available; SPE, serum protein electrophoresis; IE, immunoelectrophoresis;

↑, increased;

+, positive;

−, negative; PCN, plasma cell neoplasm; MM, multiple myeloma; EMP, extramedullary plasmacytoma; P, primary; S, secondary.