Figure 2. Luminal filling is not due to a lack of apoptosis.
(a, b) Time course of lumen development over 7 days in WT and β1-KO acini, treated with 4OHT at time of plating. Cells expressing caspase 3 (arrows) were not restricted to the centre of acini. Bar: 10μm.
(c) Immunoblotting shows loss of β1-integrin and a small increase in caspase 3 in 4OHT-treated cells.
(d) zVAD treatment of ICR MECs did not prevent lumen formation. Bar: 10μm.
(e) Scribble staining revealed intact intercellular adhesions in WT and β1-KO acini. Arrows indicate Scribble in internal cells. Bar: 10μm.
See also Supplementary Fig. 3, 8.