Expression and localization of NR2F2 in ovarian cancer. A, NR2F2 expression is decreased in serous ovarian cancers compared with normal and benign tissues. B, NR2F2 is decreased across all histotypes of epithelial ovarian cancers. In both A and B, the relative expression of NR2F2 transcript is normalized to levels of 18s in the normal ovary. C–F, Immunohistochemical staining for NR2F2. Magnification of ×4 cores (C and E) and ×20X cores (D and F) of normal ovary with epithelial cleft (C-D) or serous ovarian cancer (E and F). G, Composite results from tissue microarray scoring. *, P < .05. Cyst, serous cystadenoma; Fepi, frequency of staining in epithelium; Fstr, frequency of staining in stroma; FT, fallopian tube; Iepi, intensity of staining in epithelium; Istr, intensity of staining in stroma; OvCa, serous ovarian cancer; S, stroma. Arrows, Epithelium.