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. 2013 Jun 13;13:78. doi: 10.1186/1471-2288-13-78

Table 1.

Acceptance checklist for clinical effectiveness pilot trials (ACCEPT): trial components, exemplar monitoring methods and exemplar outcomes

Component of trial Monitoring methods (exemplars) Amend? Outcomes (exemplars)
Trial design
Review research protocol especially balance of scientific & practical needs
Amend trial design & dependent components. Submit amendment to Research Ethics Committee
Sample size
Test assumptions within protocol on: number of (active) centres; recruitment rates; retention rates; & SD of primary outcomes
Revise if necessary: sample size calculation; trial period; & funding
Clinical governance
Assess compliance with: formal training in intervention; Health & Safety regulations; & other clinical governance requirements
Enhance formal training of intervention providers
Intervention fidelity
Measure & assess adherence to intervention manual by video, observation or audio
Enhance clinical supervision of intervention providers
Recruitment strategy
Assess: flows of participants; cost & productivity of each route
Refine recruitment strategy, generally & locally
Eligibility criteria
Assess: characteristics of sample; barriers to recruitment; update of intervention
Refine eligibility criteria
Consent procedures
Participant Information Sheets (PIS)
Consult participants & refusers
Refine PIS especially to address frequently asked questions
Taking informed consent
Audit consent documentation. Measure & assess adherence to consent procedures by video, observation or audio
Enhance training of research team
Randomisation process
Check quality especially: accessibility by researchers; validity of CONSORT flowchart; & accuracy of stratifying variables
Refine: randomisation procedure & parameters; & training of research team
Check whether assessors can predict individual allocations. Test whether unblinded researchers can keep other researchers blind
Refine blinding procedures, e.g. by reallocating responsibilities within research team
Data collection
Assess adherence to interview schedules & fieldwork handbook, including duration of assessments, by video, observation or audio
Refine schedules to reduce assessment burden. Enhance training of research team
Data quality
Test missing data procedures within draft analysis plan
Refine data collection tools & missing data procedures
Data management
Test trial database, related procedures & link to analytical software
Refine trial database & procedures
Research Governance
Research protocol adherence
Enable quality assurance officer (QAO) to test adherence as widely as possible
Refine: protocol; quality assurance plan & training of team
Adverse events (AE)
QAO to test procedures for: reporting AEs; assessing severity, causality & expectedness monitor at management group; report to DMEC
Refine AE reporting & assessment procedures
Health & Safety
Test H&S procedures, e.g. for lone working
Refine H&S procedures
Data analysis
Test draft analysis plan on pilot data
Refine analysis plan to address research aims in full
Trial management Review role descriptions of research team. Review remits of trial management group, trial research team etc. Yes/No Review role descriptions of research team. Refine roles e.g. if workloads vary. Refine remits e.g. if inadequate reporting of any component