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. 2013 Jul 5;8(7):e67723. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067723

Table 1. Identification of Differentially Expressed protein spots.

Spot no.a Accession no. Protein description theoretical(pI/kDa) database Matched peptidesb Unmatched peptidesc Coverage (%) E- values Protein scroed Peptides identifiede
20 gi|195963353 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase [Bombyx mori] 9.14/34.02 Inv_others Px_EST 1 6 4 5.6e-08 66 R.SPIPLGAVATQLYR.I
21 gi|237636932 14-3-3 zeta [Heliothis virescens] 4.84/28.1 NCBInr 8 24 36 4.4e-43 472 R.NTVVEDSQKAYQDAFEISK.S
12 gi|357618425 putative cxpwmw03 [Danaus plexippus] 7.71/34.74 NCBInr 4 13 8 3.5e-14 168 R.AAVDAGFVPNDLQIGQTGK.I
15 gi|270298186 Enolase [Pieris rapae] 5.58/47.12 Inv_others Px_EST 12 23 62 3.5e-65 583 K.FGLDSTAVGDEGGFAPNIQNNK.E
26 gi|3582502 glutathione S-transferase isozyme 3 [Plutella xylostella] 8.5/24.1 Px_EST 2 7 6 1.1e-15 176 R.AVTFLIFTEGLK.K
17 gi|85165 tropomyosin, exon 9B - fruit fly [Drosophila melanogaster] 4.67/32.9 NCBInr 3 8 5 8.8e-13 159 K.ALQNAESEVAALNRR.I
16 gi|284927832 arginine kinase-like protein [Plutella xylostella] 5.76/39.66 Inv_others Px_EST 4 16 6 1.4e-38 378 R.LGFLTFCPTNLGTTVR.A
28 gi|301508512 apolipophorin-III [Plutella xylostella] 7.91/18.4 Px_EST 4 12 8 3.5e-23 262 R.EAPAGSTQLQDLEK.H
6 gi|53148459 tropomyosin I [Plutella xylostella] 4.74/32.54 NCBInr 1 14 3 7e-08 79 K.LLEAQQSADENNR.M
13 gi|357614862 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [Danaus plexippus] 7.51/48.5 NCBInr 4 4 6 2.2e-25 261 K.IYQIYEGTSQIQR.L
18 gi|22450121 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase [Plutella xylostella] 6.54/35.47 Px_EST 5 11 18 4.4e-27 395 K.LISWYDNEYGYSNR.V
19 gi|357607952 fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase [Danaus plexippus] 8.09/42.03 NCBInr 2 12 6 5.6e-09 115 R.IVPIVEPEVLPDGEHDLDR.A
23 gi|300470333 glutathione S-transferase delta [Plutella xylostella] 6.32/23.92 Px_EST 12 7 36 7e-66 524 R.FGDYFYPQLFGGAPEDKEK.L
5 gi|112982822 phosphoglyceromutase [Bombyx mori] 6.33/28.6 NCBInr 2 8 5 4.5e-10 125 K.AEGYQFDVAHTSVLKR.A
22 gi|49532926 Glutathione S transferase 2-like protein [Plutella xylostella] 5.85/23.53 Px_EST 4 7 12 4.6e-25 295 R.RPDLDQQYPGFAK.V
8 gi|328670887 voltage-dependent anion-selective channel [Helicoverpa armigera] 6.96/30.1 NCBInr 2 7 8 3.5e-15 197 K.YAVKDYGLTFTEK.W
31 gi|209978476 Chemosensory protein [Plutella xylostella] 6.88/15.45 NCBInr 2 16 4 5.6e-12 135 K.CVLDQGKCSPDG.K

Spot No. is the unique number of the position where the spot display in the master gel;


The number of peaks that match the trypsin peptides;


The number of peaks that do not match the trypsin peptides;


Protein score based on combined mass/mass spectrums;


Each spot corresponding to a certain protein had at least one of the shown peptides identified.