Figure 4. Pharmacological inhibition of endogenous PTEN activity potentiates an increased intravascular pressure induced inactivation of endogenous PTEN activity.
(A) An increase in intravascular pressure to 120 mm Hg induced oxidation and inactivation of PTEN, and treatment of cannulated and pressurized cerebral arterial segments with the PTEN inhibitor bpV(phen) (10 µM) for 30 min caused a significant enhancement of the oxidation inactivation of PTEN evoked by an increase in intravascular pressure to 120 mmHg for 60 minutes. n = 3 independent experiments. (B) Bar graphs depicting summary of the density of expression level the PTEN protein in response to an increase in intraluminal pressure to 120 mm Hg before and after treatment with the PTEN inhibitor bpV(phen) (10 µM). *denotes significant difference from the control at p<0.05, n = 3 independent trials.