Fig. 3. Microdeletions in genomic loci known to yield microDNAs.
a. Algorithm for finding microdeletions in genomic DNA. Details in SOM. b. Micro-deletions found in the KCNK3 locus. DNA spanning the indicated locus was amplified from 200,000 copies of 6 month old mouse brain genomic DNA, and paired-end-sequenced. White square is KCNK3 exon1 and solid line is KCNK3 intron1. Blue squares are positions of microDNAs identified in three independent embryonic brain libraries, and red squares are microdeletions found in the genome in this study. c. Direct repeats observed near the junctions of microdeletions. d. GC composition of the microdeletions identified in the two loci. The deleted sequences were rich in GC content compared to the genomic average of 46%.