Figure 3.
Simulated dependence of the 13C-13C polarization transfer efficiency versus the isotropic chemical shift difference for various composite rf pulse irradiations: (a) CORD, (b) CORDxy4, (c) PARISxy, (d) SHANGHAI, (e) DREAM, and (f) fpRFDR. A C2H2 spin model (the same as in Figure 2b and 2d) was used for all the simulations. The MAS frequency is νr = 40 kHz, and the mixing time is τmix = 150 ms for (a-d), and 3 ms for (e) and (f). 13C-13C polarization transfer efficiency was simulated over the frequency difference of Δνiso = ±50 kHz at the magnetic field of 14.1 T.