SEM and EDX analysis of rat and human enamel. A: Sound human enamel was characterized by well-organized prismatic and interprismatic structure clearly visualized at higher magnification. B: Enamel affected by MIH was hidden by a covering layer. C: After an NaOCl rinse, MIH enamel exhibited prismatic and interprismatic structure. Scale bars: 20 μm (left); 10 μm (right). D: Enamel of control rats on day 30. E: BPA-treated rat enamel exhibited a covering layer obscuring the underlying prismatic structure. F: After an NaOCl rinse, enamel from BPA-treated rats exhibited the classic architecture seen in controls. Scale bars: 15 μm (left); 5 μm (right). G: Human control enamel exhibited a smooth surface, whereas MIH enamel presented a rough surface. Scale bars: 10 μm. H: Rat control molars showed an unbroken smooth surface, whereas the molars from BPA-treated rats had a rough surface with enamel breakdown. Scale bars: 30μm. I: Typical EDX spectra. J: Ca/P and Ca/C ratios of BPA (n = 8) and MIH (n = 10) enamel. K: Diagram showing the location of SEM images of human molars and rat incisors. Arrow shows the plane of sectioning. All data are means ± SEM. ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01, ∗∗∗P < 0.001, U-test.