(a) Representative images of Arc staining of neurons transfected with full-length or deletion mutants of Arc with or without a 2-h treatment with leptomycin B (LeptB) show Arc has an NES between amino acids 121 and 154.
(b) Quantification of nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio of Arc with LeptB treatments. N=46 for Arc, N=40 for Arc+LeptB, N=42 for ArcΔ121–140, N=40 for ArcΔ121–140+LeptB, N=40 for ArcΔ141–154, N=45 for ArcΔ141–154+LeptB, from three independent cultures.
(c) Representative images of neurons transfected with GFP alone, or GFP fused to Arc 121–154 with or without LeptB treatment show Arc 121–154 is sufficient for active export.
(d) Quantification of the nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio of GFP expression. N=63 for GFP, N=20 for GFP+LeptB, N=46 for GFP-Arc-NES, N=47 for GFP-ArcNES+LeptB from three independent cultures.
**, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001, by ANOVA. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Scale bars=10 μm.