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. 2013 Jun 4;4(7):1014–1030. doi: 10.1364/BOE.4.001014

Table 2. Definitions for the First and Second Order Statistical Features Used in This Study.

Mean (1st order stat.) 1Ni=1NIk where N is the number of pixels in a given region and Ik the int. value of a pixel
Co-occurrence probability (2nd order stat.) Cij=Pi,ji,j=1GPi,j where Pi,j represents the number of occurrences of gray levels i and j for a certain (d, θ) pair in a given region
Contrast Cij(ij)2 =i=1Gj=1G
Cluster shade Cij(i+jμiμj)3 μi=iCij
Energy Cij2
Entropy* Cijlog(Cij+eps)
Homogeneity Cij1+|ij|
Information measures of correlation* (1exp[2(hij2hij)])1/2 hij = entropy
pi=iCijand pj=jCij
Inverse difference moment Cij1+(ij)2

*eps is an arbitrarily small constant chosen to be 2−52 (floating point accuracy).