(A) Relative survival in response to starvation (top) or paraquat feeding (bottom) of WT, TORC25-3, TORC25-3,ELAV-GAL4 control, and TORC25-3,ELAV-GA-L4,UAS-TORC rescued flies. n = 100; p < 0.05.
(B) Top: relative lipid content of TORC25-3,ELAV-GAL4 control and TORC25-3,ELAV-GAL4,UAS-TORC rescued flies. n = 6 flies per group; *p < 0.05. Bottom: immunoblot of FOXO and 4E-BP proteins in TORC mutant TORC25-3,ELAV-GAL4 and TORC25-3,ELAV-GAL4,UAS-TORC rescued flies under fed (F), starved (S), or refed (R) conditions.
(C) CRE-luc activity in TORC25-3,ELAV-GAL4 control and TORC25-3,ELAV-GAL4,UAS-TORC rescued flies. n = 6; *p < 0.05.
(D) qPCR analysis of TORC-regulated genes from head mRNAs of TORC25-3,ELAV-GAL4 control and TORC25-3,ELAV-GAL4,UAS-TORC rescued flies under fasting conditions. Rescue genotype: ELAV-GAL4, w1118/Y;UAS-TORC/+;TORC25-3. Control genotype: ELAV-GAL4, w1118/Y;TORC25-3. Wild-type: w1118.
Data are given as means ± SD.