(A) Immunoblot showing effect of WT and constitutively active Ser1032Ala Drosophila SIK2 on amounts of phosphorylated Drosophila TORC in transfected HEK293T cells.
(B) Transient assay of HEK293T cells showing effect of WT and Ser1032Ala mutant SIK2 on Drosophila Cyp4g1-luc reporter activity with or without FSK.
(C) Immunoblot showing effect of neuronal SIK2 RNAi expression on Ser157 phosphorylation of a neuronal TORC-GFP fusion protein in adult flies under starved (S) or refed (R) conditions. Control (−) genotype: ELAV-GAL4/+;UAS-TORC-GFP/+. SIK2-deficient (+) genotype: ELAV-GAL4/+;UAS-TORC-GFP/UAS-SIK2 RNAi.
(D) qPCR analysis of TORC-regulated genes from head mRNAs of control flies and two independent strains expressing SIK2 RNAi in neurons. CON genotype: ELAV-GAL4/Y. SIK RNAi I genotype: ELAV-GAL4/Y;;UAS-SIK2 RNAi/+. SIK RNAi II genotype: ELAV-GAL4/Y;;UAS-SIK2 RNAi/+.
(E and F) Effect of water-only starvation (E) and paraquat (F) on survival of 5-day-old female flies expressing SIK2 RNAi in neurons relative to control. CON genotype: Appl-GAL4/+. SIK RNAi I genotype: Appl-GAL4/+;;UAS-SIK2 RNAi I/+. SIK RNAi II genotype: Appl-GAL4/+;;UAS-SIK2 RNAi II/+. n = 100.
Data are given as means ± SD.