Table 2.
Youths’ Desired Topics for ATV Safety Messages
Theme | Type of Safety Issue | Example |
Legal Responsibilities | Lack of Licensing Requirements |
“You know, we have to take a hunter’s education class to get our hunting license, and all. How do they get by letting kids and some adults who have never ridden on an ATV get away with not having a class before getting to ride an ATV and all?” |
Lack of Youth ATV Regulations |
“I think that there should be an age limit.” |
Youth Responsibilities | Lack of Proper ATV Use | “I don’t think people really realize how bad you can get hurt. … I know a bunch of my friends ride all crazy and never think about it.” |
Lack of Safety Equipment Use | “I just don’t wear it [helmet] – nobody else does.” |
Lack of Understanding of Injury Risks and Machine Design |
“They say they are for one person, but there is actually room for two people on the seat. If you drive real slow and be careful, you can ride with a passenger okay.” |
Parent Responsibilities | Lack of Safety Practices by Parents |
“People who live in the country, like my dad, he just grew up on a 4- wheeler, and they never wore that kind of stuff [safety equipment].” |