Fig. 3.
Box plot (data within 95% CI) showing the change in training time (hours per week) and the time spent in competition (hours per week). PreopTT = preoperative training time; PostopTT6mth = postoperative training time (6 months); PostopTT1yr = postoperative training time (1 year); PreopCT = preoperative competition time; PostopCT6mth = postoperative competition time (6 months); PostopCT1yr = postoperative competition time (1 year). The central line is a measure of median; a minor outlier (denoted by a “o”) is an observation 1.5 × interquartile range (IQR) outside the central box; a major outlier (denoted by an asterisk) is an observation 3.0 × IQR outside the central box.