Figure 2.
Screening of candidate genes in 2IRGFP transgenic N. benthamiana plants. Plants were co-inoculated with a TRV:Gene construct and TYLCSV. GFP expression was monitored daily up to 15 days post-inoculation (dpi). The picture shows GFP expression in one of the apical leaves under UV (left) and visible light (right) of 2IRGFP N. benthamiana transgenic plants 15 days after they were co-infected with TYLCSV and TRV constructs to induced silencing of genes classified in category A (Replication associated protein A, RPA32, and Ubiquitin activating enzyme 1, UBA1) or category B (Coatomer delta subunit, deltaCOP, and Heat shock cognate 70, HSC70). Leaves from control 2IRGFP plants are shown: agroinfiltrated with an empty binary vector (Mock) or with the empty TRV vector (TRV). The relative amount of TYLCSV DNA accumulated in co-infected plants was quantified by qPCR; results are shown below the images. Values are the mean of five to ten plants. The numbers correspond to the mean ±standard error. This experiment was repeated three times with similar results.