Streptomycin treatment elicits infiltrates of inflammatory monocytes and neutrophils in the cecal mucosa. (A) Gating strategy for analysis of cecal cell suspensions. After doublet elimination (top right), live cells were gated (top left) and CD3+ B220+ NK1.1+ cells were eliminated by using a dump channel (bottom left). CD3− B220− NK1.1− cells were then analyzed for CD11B and Ly6C expression (bottom right). (B) CD3− B220− NK1.1− CD11B+ Ly6C+ phagocytes were separated into Ly6G− cells (inflammatory monocytes) and Ly6G+ cells (neutrophils) (C to G). Bars represent the geometric means ± the standard errors of the numbers of inflammatory monocytes (C and F), neutrophils (D and G), and resident phagocytes (E) expressed as percentages of the total number of live cecal cells (C to E). The statistical significance of the difference between groups is indicated at the top of each graph. NS, not statistically significantly different. For panels A to E, the ceca of groups of mice (n = 9) were collected 4 days after streptomycin treatment, and for panels F and G, the ceca of groups of mice (n = 3) were collected 4 (black bars), 10 (gray bars), or 15 (white bars) days after streptomycin treatment.