Table 2.
Motives for CCOP Participation
Organizational Perspectives | Physician Perspectives | |
“Altruistic,” Externally-Focused Motives | “… primary motivation was to present clinical trials for patients so that it’s nearer to their home versus going, you know, outside of their area to obtain clinical trials.” “We have the only central city medical center in [location]. So part of it I think was a responsibility to go after this.” “I think that we’re a non-profit community hospital and we’re here to serve the community in which we reside so all of our decisions are based on how to best serve our community.” “So our primary motivation was that as a healthcare system, clinical research was a high priority across the United States. It should be a high priority for the quality of care that we wanted to provide.” “[W]e definitely believe that participating in clinical trials is the right way to go in terms of pushing the organization forward” |
“the CCOP basically allows us to put clinical trials into the community where the majority of patients are being treated.” “getting these studies to the rural areas that would not typically be able to have them without the CCOP being here.” “So our involvement was purely academic and helping human kind. … I mean we never thought of … oncology as a business. So we had very pure motives.” “Probably the main motivation … everything we do is a patient-centered approach: our vision is centered on the patient.” “When we started initially it was for academia.” |
“Self- Interested,” Internally- Focused Motives | “We wanted to see our own program as opposed to being an affiliate.” “…enhance [the organization’s] position and its ability to offer services….” “So I think the motivation of the greater [organization] is to bring us all together, you know, somewhat simplify the mechanism that’s happening in many areas throughout the oncology practice of [location] and, again, have perhaps a little better control over what’s occurring.” “So if we had a CCOP then if you open up a study, it opens up system-wide. That would have really cut down on the amount of paperwork and the amount of time it takes to open up one study at each site. And that was actually one of the important things.” |
“the CCOP was a way to distinguish us as a major provider of oncology care in this area.” “…it would be a prestigious thing to have. It will be recognized as something—a feather in your cap to be a CCOP.” “And you know when you have a lot of private practice physicians, oncologists, who then come together, it would be nice to have that platform for them to come together on. …The CCOP would have really allowed for us to reorganize.” |