Figure 3.
ZNF313 is a negative regulator of cellular senescence. (a) Induction of cellular senescence by ZNF313 depletion. Cellular senescence was measured by Senescence-associated (SA)-β-gal assay. (b) Downregulation of ZNF313 expression during replicative senescence in MEF and IMR-90 cells. (c) Downregulation of ZNF313 expression in adriamycin-induced cellular senescence of MCF7. (d) ZNF313 effect on cellular senescence. MCF7 cells were transfected with WT-ZNF313 (2 μg/ml) or siZNF313 (50 nM) and cellular senescence was examined using SA-β-gal assay. Data represent means of triplicate assays (bars, S.D.) (*P<0.05). (e) Elevation or depletion of ZNF313 expression significantly affects DNA damage-induced cellular senescence. (f) A XAF1-independency of ZNF313 regulation of cellular senescence. U2OS/Tet-XAF1 cells transfected with siZNF313 or siControl were exposed to tetracycline for XAF1 induction and adriamycin-induced cellular senescence was analyzed using SA-β-gal assay. (g) No effect of XAF1 on ZNF313 suppression of senescence. MCF7 cells were co-transfected with empty vectors or ZNF313-V5 and increasing doses of siXAF1. Cellular senescence was examined using SA-β-gal assay at 4 days after transfection