Table 1.
Patient and neuropsychological performance characteristics of SLE and RA patients*
Total (n = 221) | SLE (n = 139) | RA (n = 82) | |
Age, mean ± SD years | 51.8 ± 12.2 | 47.7 ± 12.4 | 57.8 ± 11.2 |
High school education or greater | 86 (190) | 87 (121) | 83 (68) |
Women | 91 (202) | 95 (132) | 85 (70) |
Income | |||
<$20,000 | 16 (35) | 22 (30) | 6 (5) |
$20,000–39,999 | 12 (27) | 12 (16) | 13 (11) |
$40,000–59,999 | 17 (38) | 19 (26) | 15 (12) |
$60,000–79,999 | 13 (29) | 14 (20) | 11 (9) |
$80,000–99,999 | 13 (29) | 9 (13) | 18 (15) |
≥$100,000 | 29 (63) | 25 (34) | 37 (30) |
Race/ethnicity | |||
Hispanic/Latino | 10 (21) | 11 (15) | 7 (6) |
White | 66 (146) | 56 (78) | 83 (68) |
African American | 8 (17) | 11 (15) | 2 (2) |
Asian | 12 (27) | 15 (21) | 7 (6) |
Other | 5 (11) | 7 (10) | 9 (7) |
Disease duration, mean ± SD years | 18.6 ± 10.9 | 15.6 ± 9.4 | 21.1 ± 11.6 |
Major depressive disorder | 15 (32) | 18 (25) | 9 (7) |
Neuropsychological functioning (CRC visit) | |||
Verbal learning and memory impairment | |||
CVLT-II learning | 12 (27) | 15 (21) | 9 (7) |
CVLT-II short delay free recall | 19 (42) | 20 (28) | 18 (15) |
CVLT-II long delay free recall | 24 (53) | 28 (39) | 17 (14) |
CVLT-II recognition task | 23 (51) | 25 (35) | 19 (16) |
Visuospatial learning and memory impairment | |||
Rey Complex Figure Test copy | 32 (71) | 33 (46) | 31 (25) |
Rey immediate delay | 24 (53) | 30 (42) | 14 (12) |
Rey long delay | 24 (53) | 31 (43) | 14 (11) |
Executive functioning impairment | |||
Color–Word Inhibition | 20 (44) | 23 (32) | 14 (12) |
Card Sorting | 17 (38) | 19 (26) | 14 (12) |
Trail Making (shifting) | 18 (40) | 19 (26) | 17 (14) |
Fluency impairment | |||
Phonemic fluency | 28 (62) | 31 (43) | 24 (20) |
Semantic fluency | 9 (20) | 8 (11) | 10 (8) |
Design fluency | 25 (55) | 22 (31) | 30 (25) |
Working memory/speeded processing impairment | |||
Symbol Digit Modalities Test | 23 (51) | 29 (40) | 13 (11) |
Digit span (backward) | 8 (18) | 7 (10) | 9 (7) |
Visuospatial impairment | |||
Judgment of Line Orientation | 15 (33) | 18 (25) | 8 (7) |
Total number of cognitive tasks impaired, mean ± SD | 3.0 ± 2.7 | 3.45 ± 3.10 | 2.4 ± 2.2 |
At least one-third of cognitive tasks impaired | 19 (42) | 25 (34) | 10 (8) |
Neuropsychological function (screening) | |||
HVLT-R learning | 18 (40) | 20 (28) | 14 (12) |
HVLT-R delayed recall | 20 (44) | 21 (29) | 20 (16) |
Phonemic fluency | 28 (62) | 31 (43) | 25 (21) |
At least one-third of screening tasks impaired | 43 (95) | 46 (64) | 38 (31) |
Self-reported cognitive functioning | |||
Perceived Deficits Questionnaire-Short Form | 7.5 ± 4.3 | 8.6 ± 4.3 | 5.6 ± 3.7 |
Values are the percentage (number) unless otherwise indicated. SLE = systemic lupus erythematosus; RA = rheumatoid arthritis; CRC = Clinical Research Center; CVLT-II = California Verbal Learning Test-II; HVLT-R = Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised.