(A) Immunoblot analysis of MCFDCIS cells treated with TGFβ1 for the indicated time in attached or suspension culture. Integrin β6, laminin 5, and vimentin levels are increased following TGFβ1 treatment. p63 is not affected by TGFβ1, but it is downregulated in suspension.
(B) TGFβ and Hh pathway activity in MCFDCIS cells following the indicated treatments determined using luciferase reporters. Error bars represent mean ± SD.
(C) Immunoblot analysis of Gli2 protein levels in MCFDCIS cells treated with TGFβ1 for the indicated time in attached culture.
(D) Immunoblot analysis of MCFDCIS cells infected with control (pBabe) and ΔNp63α overexpressing retroviruses. ΔNp63α overexpression increases integrin β6, laminin 5, vimentin, and Gli2 levels.
(E) TGFβ and Hh pathway activity in control and ΔNp63α overexpressing MCFDCIS cells following the indicated treatments determined using luciferase reporters. Error bars represent mean ± SD.
(F) Summary of interactions among TGFβ, Hh, cell adhesion, and p63 pathways.