Table 3.
Hierarchical regression of TPB variables predicting fruit &vegetable consumption for women
Six-month (N = 116) | R2 | R2Δ | P | β | 12-month (N = 109) | R2 | R2Δ | p | β |
Final model |
0.21 |
0.06 |
<.001 |
Final model |
0.17 |
0.01 |
0.68 |
Baseline fruit & vegetable |
0.42** |
6-month fruit & vegetable |
0.39** |
Parent status |
−0.05 |
Parent status |
−0.02 |
0.07 |
0.15 |
Intentions to eat healthy |
0.03 |
Intentions to eat healthy |
0.02 |
Affective attitudes |
0.35* |
Affective attitudes |
0.01 |
Instrumental attitudes |
0.14 |
Instrumental attitudes |
0.02 |
Subjective norms |
−0.08 |
Subjective norms |
−0.12 |
Affective attitudes x parent status | −0.40* |
Note. **p < .01, *p < .05.