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. 2013 Jan 31;144(1):183–192. doi: 10.1378/chest.12-1786

Table 1.

—List of Included Studies and Key Features

Study/Year Trainee No., Levela Study Designb Comparisonc Taskd Modalitye Instructional Featuresf Outcomes Reportedg Follow-uph Outcome Blindi Outcome Objectivej MERSQI Totalk NOS Totall
Colt21/2001 5; PG 1PP NI Flex VR CV,DP ST,SP High Blind Obj 11 2
Ost22/2001 6; PG RCT OE Flex VR CV,DP,FB,R BT,BP High Blind Obj 13 4
Hilmi23/2002 20; PG 1PP NI Rigid Animal M ST,SP Obj 10 0
Ameur24/2003 20; MS 2NR SS Flex VR R,SP Blind Obj 10.5 1
Moorthy25/2003 9; O 1PP NI Flex VR ST,SP Blind Obj 11 1
Blum26/2004 10; PG RCT NI Flex VR CV BT,BP High Blind Obj 13 4
Martin27/2004 43; PG,MD,O RCT SS Flex Model DP ST,SP High Blind Obj 14.5 5
Agrò28/2005 5; PG 1PP NI Flex Model M ST,SP Obj 9 0
Chen29/2006 20; O RCT OE Flex VR CV R High Subj 10 3
Deutsch30/2009 36; PG 2NR SS Flex, Peds VR, Mannequin, Animal SP Subj 9.5 1
Bian31/2010 40; PG RCT NI Flex Model ST High Blind Obj 12.5 4
Davoudi32/2010 48; MD RCT SS Flex, TBNA VR, Model R High Subj 9 3
Wahidi33/2010 47; PG 2NR NI Flex VR DP,R K,BP High Obj 16 2
Colt34/2011 42; PG 1PP NI Flex Model K,SP High Blind Obj 13 3
Jabbour35/2011 17; PG 1PP NI Flex, Rigid, Peds VR, Model, Mannequin ST,SP High Blind Obj 10 2
Stather36/2011 13; PG 2NR OE Flex, US VR CV,DP,R ST,SP High Blind Obj 10.5 3
Stather37/2012 8; PG 2NR OE Flex, US, TBNA VR CV,DP,R BT,BP,P High Obj 12 2

MD = practicing physician; MS = medical student; O = other health professional; PG = postgraduate physician trainee (resident).


1PP = 1 group pre-post study; 2NR = nonrandomized 2-group study; RCT = randomized 2-group study.


NI = no intervention; OE = other (nonsimulation) education; SS = simulation-simulation comparison.


Flex = flexible bronchoscopy; Peds = pediatric patients; Rigid = rigid bronchoscopy; TBNA = transbronchial needle aspiration; US = endobronchial ultrasound.


VR = virtual reality.


CV = clinical variation present; DP = distributed practice (over > 1 d); FB = feedback high; M = mastery learning model present; R = many repetitions present.


BP = process behavior; BT = time behavior; K = knowledge; P = patient effects; R = reaction (satisfaction); SP = process skill; ST = time skill.


High = ≥75% follow-up for any outcome.


Blinded assessment of highest-level outcome.


Obj = objective assessment; Subj = self-report of highest-level outcome.


MERSQI = Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument (maximum score 18).


NOS = modified Newcastle-Ottawa scale (maximum score 6).