Figure 1.
Gels representing the typical restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns obtained following digestion with the restriction enzymes (a) Hpy99I and (b) NlaIV, respectively. The restriction enzyme (a) Hpy99I recognises an SNP in the promoter region at site −1111C>T while NlaIV recognises an SNP in the coding region at position 4257G>A. In both gels, Lanes 1 and 6 represent 100 bp DNA ladder (New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA, USA); Lane 2 represents undigested PCR amplified products (UD) while Lane 3 represents the typical RFLP pattern seen when only the respective homozygous wild-type alleles are present; Lane 4 shows the typical RFLP pattern seen when the only respective homozygous mutant alleles are present while Lane 5 shows the RFLP pattern seen when the respective heterozygous alleles are present.