A, Treatment with zileuton alone led to significant decrease in urinary LTE4 levels [median (range)] (ng/mg creatinine) [pre LTE4=107 (4, 268) vs. post LTE4=42 (4, 292); P<0.001, Wilcoxon signed rank test] among study participants compliant to treatment (n=52). B, Treatment with zileuton and celecoxib led to significant decrease in urinary LTE4 levels [pre LTE4=86 (37, 250) vs. post LTE4=30 (10, 84); P<0.001, Wilcoxon signed rank test] among study participants compliant to treatment (n=18). C, Similar magnitude of decrease in urinary LTE4 levels in terms of post/pre fold change [median (range)] was observed in subjects treated with zileuton and celecoxib combined therapy compared to subjects treated with zileuton alone [0.30 (0.12,1.01) vs. 0.39 (0.05,4.00); P=0.23 , Wilcoxon rank-sum test].