Figure 7.
CCL2 deficiency affects development of hypoxia-induced PAH. After 4 weeks of hypoxia exposure, the RVs of WT and CCL2-deficient (Ccl2−/−) animals were analyzed. (A) Ccl2−/− animals show a mild baseline increase in RVSP (n = 23–26 animals per group). With hypoxic exposure, Ccl2−/− mice (n = 13) trended toward a higher RVSP compared with WT mice (n = 28). (B) RV/[LV + S] ratios of normoxic and hypoxic animals are analyzed. Compared with WT (n = 29), Ccl2−/− mice (n = 21) have worsening RV hypertrophy. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001.