Figure 1.
Light (left panels) and electron (middle and right panels) microscopy images of leaf anatomy in representative Oryza species (A–C, O. sativa cv IR64; D–F, O. rufipogon 9; G–I, O. brachyantha; J–l, O. australiensis 21; M–O, O. coarctata). A, D, G, J, and M, Leaf cross-sections. B, C, E, H, K, and N, M cell shape, vacuole development, distribution of chloroplasts, and development of lobes. F, I, L, and O, Positions of mitochondria and peroxisomes internal to the chloroplasts. bc, Bulliform cells; bs, bundle sheath; ch, chloroplast; e, epiderm; l, lobes; m, mitochondria; mc, mesophyll cell; n, nucleus; p, peroxisomes; v, vacuole; vb, vascular bundle.